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Safety Guidelines for the Resumption of Services

The Serbian Orthodox Church 

Parish of St. Andrew

Bedford, Corby. Northampton, Letchworth and Peterborough



Dear Brothers and Sisters.

We are delighted to be able to inform you that at long last we will once again be able to resume church liturgies in our parish following the government relaxations of the Covid 19 lockdown rules and regulations.

We will be holding our first service on Petrov Dan, Sunday, 12 July 2020, at 10am, in the Kapela, 62 Kimbolton Road, Bedford MK40 2NX.

As you would expect we will be complying to all the Covid safety guidelines so we would request that you all read the following conditions very carefully before considering attending the service on Sunday.

  • Only 10 parishioners in addition the the priest, a one man choir and a monitor, will be allowed to be in the Kapela at any one time. You may be asked to queue outside so please be patient. 
  • If there are too many people who want to come in you may be asked to leave and wait outside so that others can come in for a while.
  • Upon entering please use the hand sanitiser provided.
  • When inside please help yourself to candles and leave the money on the counter.
  • Each person should stand on the white dots provided on the floor. Each person should wear a mask at all times. You should bring your own and we will endevour to supply some also, but you will not be allowed in without one.
  • A household group can stand together and you should make it known to the monitor that you are a household group.
  • Please provide to the monitor your name and a mobile phone number and email address so that we can be contact you in case we in case we hear that an attendee had been infected with Covid 19. The contact details will be held by the Church and will not be passed to anybody else.  
  • Take special care when lighting candles and once lit please move to your standing position and do not wonder around the Kapela.
  • It is suggested that you stand and bow in front of icons instead of kissing them. 
  • Parents shall be responsible for their children adhering to these guidelines. If this proves to be a problem we must ask you to leave the Kapela so that others are not put at risk.
  • Please avoid direct contact with others in the Kapela and try to maintain social distancing (1m+) when moving through the Kapela.
  • Please use the hand sanitiser upon leaving the Kapela.
  • There will be no social gathering after the services. 

Please note, you should not attend the service if you have tested positive for Covid 19 or you have any of the symptoms for Covid 19. You should also not attend if you have been in contact anybody recently who has tested positive for the virus.  

We trust that a more traditional services will be resumed soon but until then please help us all to stay safe and co-operate with above.


The Very Rev. Radmilo Stokic

with the Parochial Council for

the Parish of St. Andrew. 


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