
Kempston residents present petition on religious inclusiveness to Number 10

Members of the Kempston Seventh Day Adventist Church visited Number 10 Downing Street last week to hand in a petition to the Prime Minister calling on him to do all he can to protect the most vulnerable and religious minorities in India.

The petition, which was signed by over 700 local residents, draws attention to the pressure on Christians and Muslims in India and calls on Prime Minister, David Cameron to emphasise religious tolerance and inclusiveness in his discussions with India’s Prime Minister. The main purpose of this petition is to protect and not intimidate the weakest and most vulnerable religious minorities.

Eric Masih, who handed in the petition, said: “Ethnic and religious cleansing needs to be eradicated in India. It defies principles of secularism and more importantly the principal foundation of the Indian Constitution”

Bedford MP, Richard Fuller, who joined Eric Masih in Downing Street, said: “All people, of all faiths and none, have the right to practice their faith free from persecution. The UK should be a beacon for these freedoms and a voice against intolerance wherever it is found.”

To sign the online petition visit:


Source: www.bedfordshire-news.co.uk


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26.9.2013., РАС прес

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