
What Attracts People?

What attracts people to a Church? A convenient location? YES!
An attractive building? YES!

But the key element in attracting visitors, newcomers and prospective members is friendliness in the pews. Where there is a warm, dynamic Congregation with an enthusiasm that is contagious, visitors in large numbers will usually come.

A Church can buy many advantages with money. These include a well-located comfortable building, trained leadership, top quality advertising and an abundance of recreational, educational and social activities.

But good fashioned friendliness, of which the world is surely in need, is not for sale. It comes only from the hearts of dedicated people who love the Lord Jesus Christ and enjoy helping others to feel at home in their Church.

Here are 5 simple steps to a friendlier Church:

1. Speak to the other person first; Don’t wait for someone else to take the Initiative!
2. If you don’t know him/her, introduce yourself!
3. Wear a pleasant expression. If you have to be grumpy and sour, do it somewhere other than at Church. A great Church was never built on frowns!
4. Take Will Roger’s testimony as your motto: “I NEVER MET A MAN I DID’T LIKE”!
5. Memorise and practice Proverbs, 18:24; “A MAN THAT HAS FRIENDS, MUST SHOW HIMSELF FRIENDLY”!


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26.9.2013., РАС прес

Играјмо за Игора

Ми Срби имамо један изузетан таленат: "Брзо заборављамо своју историју и не поштујемо своје хероје". Тако је то било кроз нашу историју, а зашто би било другачије сада?