
Backslider's Calendar

JANUARY: I hereby resolve to start to Church this year! But I’ll wait until February. Gotta get over the Holidays. They take a lot out of a fellow.

FEBRUARY: Weather is terrible. I’ll start when it gets a bit warmer. My blood is too thin this time of year.

MARCH: Lots of sickness just now. Got to keep away from those bugs.

APRIL: E a s t e r …. big crowds ….  they won’t miss me.

MAY: I’ve been holed up all winter and now that the weather is getting pretty it’s time to hold reunions.

JUNE: I’ll wait until the baby is older. How on earth do some folks take Their babies when they are just a few weeks old – and then never miss Sunday worship.

JULY: Boy! The heat is terrific! That air conditioning in the Church might give me chills, and anyway we’ve got that cabin boat for Sundays.

AUGUST: Priest’s on vacation. He’ll never know if I miss. Never liked those guest priest anyway, but when my priest gets back ….

SEPTEMBER: School’s started. Vacation threw me behind in my work. Got to make one last visit to my relatives before the snow flies.

OCTOBER: Leaves are beautiful this time of year … I can worship God outdoors anyhow … kids will be cooped up all winter … so …

NOVEMBER: Getting colder … can’t stand warm church buildings with a lot of people in them. I’ll start back to Church when it gets warmer.

DECEMBER: CHRISTMAS! It belongs to kids. I don’t have time now for the Church; roads are dangerous too … anyway, next month is J a n u a r y !I’ll resolve now to start going to Church next year !


Остали текстови
26.9.2013., РАС прес

Играјмо за Игора

Ми Срби имамо један изузетан таленат: "Брзо заборављамо своју историју и не поштујемо своје хероје". Тако је то било кроз нашу историју, а зашто би било другачије сада?